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Together alongside William Tell against Gessler Tech

As agents of the “World Intelligence Swiss Elite”, you are searching for the secret Alpine serum. Convince as a team with your milking skills, shoot the apple off Walter’s head, roll the cheese wheel through Zurich’s old town and find out the secret ingredient at the chocolate tasting. Interactive Swiss Olymiade, 100% fun, 100% Swissness.

Level of difficulty 58%
Interaction with other teams 94%
Fun factor 100%
Stress level 98%

An Olympiad that is second to none!

Follow Wilhelm’s clues and find the secret location of the Gessler Tech organisation. You have a tablet, the Swiss Olympics Mission Briefing and the help of the experienced agent Heidi Hunt at your disposal. On the one hand, the game contains tasks that have to be solved with the help from the tablet, in combination with physical tasks. Which team convinces with its milking skills and collects the most milk in the bucket? Which group shoots the apple off Walter’s head with the crossbow? Who can navigate the cheese wheel through the course the fastest or taste the secret spice in the chocolate during the tasting?

Only as World Intelligence Swiss Elite, united with all forces, these challenging and fun tasks can be mastered. The winning team with the most points or the best time is the winner of the interactive Swiss Olympics and goes down in Swiss history.

Edelweiss crown and souvenir photo for the winning team

At the end of the game, the winners certificates are presented and the Edelweiss crown is placed on the winners’ heads. To crown the interactive Swiss Olympics, the winner’s group photo is taken in front of a typical Swiss background.

You want to hold the Interactive Switzerland Olymiade on your company premises, in a seminar hotel or at another venue? We bring the ultimate teambuilding event to you.

Contact us!

Augmented reality & active play stations

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, reality and fiction blur into a unique gaming experience. The game also includes four typical Swiss game stations such as cow milking, crossbow shooting, cheese wheel rolling and chocolate tasting.

100 minutes to defeat Gessler Tech

The teams have 100 minutes to master the Interactive Swiss Olympics. 13 exciting tasks await the participants in this fun challenge, at the end of which the award ceremony for the winning team and the presentation of the diploma will take place.

Venue & Language

The game will be held in the heart of Zurich’s old town at Predigerplatz 22. Optionally with numerous aperitif possibilities as well as drinks for the players. The mission is offered in German and English, other languages on request.


Each team is equipped with an iPad, mission briefing, Wilhelm’s notes and pen and paper. In addition, there is an ominous wooden box and a locked safe, which must be hacked during the game.

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